Once we have recieved your site information regarding the Bee Bed Design Checklist, and have an idea of the aesthetic that your group is aiming for, we send you out your wonderful peat-free and organic plants.

The planting plan shows you exactly what plants you have (plants also come labelled in the box), how many of each, and a suggestion for where they will work best in the Bee Bed.
The information in the ‘Positions’ column gives an indication of the height of the plants, with taller plants generally labelled for the centre and shorter plants at the edge. The ‘Winter leaf?’ column is useful for thinking about how the Bee Bed will look in the colder months – it’s good to get a reasonably even spread of plants with leaf in winter. Consider also the ‘Flowering time/colour’ information for how to compose the Bed’s colour palette.

With the Bee Bed prep out the way, the exciting moment has come to lay out your plants and get planting (and watering)!

The Bee Bed maintenance plan provides you with detailed guidance on how to look after your Bee Bed for many years to come.

Following this guidance, your Bee Bed will flourish and provide lots of food for pollinators!

One last but important thing: The Bee Bed signage! This ensures that passers by know what the Bee Bed is all about. The QR code provides lots of information on the project, as well as information on how to get involved.

Want to get involved?
If you have a local area that your community would like to revamp or you’re interested in corporate sponsorship, please email leigh@repollinate.org.uk for more information!
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